E.V.S. European Voluntary Service

Since 2006, 15 volunteers from at least 8 different countries worked for Anche noi a cavallo through the European Voluntary Service. This is a EU programme for young people between 18 and 30 years old. It provides an unmissable intercultural experience for these young

people who are integrated into the local community, learning a new language and improving their soft skills. For hosting organisations like Anche noi it is a great opportunity to share intercultural voluntary values and profit from their highly appreciated precious help..

Read the testimonials of Atanasia from Greece and of Lena from Germany, two volunteers who spent a year in our riding centre in Porcia, sharing their knowledge and offering their help in all our activities!

Read the testimonials of our volunteers



Lena, who came from Germany at the age of 18 for EVS, has been with us from September 2013 to July 2014. Read more



Arrived from Germany in September 2012 thanks to the European Voluntary Service (EVS). Read his testimony.



Read the testimony of Athanasia (Greece), EVS volunteer for the period 2011-2012.